absence of sincere affect and concern for others, coupled with callousness and
remorselessness, allows the psychopath free rein to destroy others. The
psychopath ingratiates while disarming the victim, and then pulls the trigger
that causes devaluation, hurt and pain. Successful manipulation provides
fleeting delight that reinforces the psychopath’s sense of self while devaluing
the victim.
For more information:
I was born in a psychopathic community and I got out. I have experienced lots of bad stuff. I realized that narcopaths are all connected to a main hive mind which we can not see or sense that controls them to inflict the most pain possible in a synchronistic way. think of your life and I am sure you will find clues that supports my theory. I finally view them as robots that work for another system which we are not aware of !!!!! this life looks to me like the Truman show movie. They are very smart and they role the world, so I could not buy that they have brain damage. I had to learn about them from a different prospective. please watch these two vids and tell me what you think.
According to Dr. Hare the psychopath's behavior is the result of choice, freely exercised. Psychopathy researchers have noticed brain differences--but not brain damage. A neuroscientist who was a Nobel prize winner wrote that the psychopathic personality will almost certainly have anatomical correlates. As to what produces these differences the opinion is no one knows.